These Salt Lake City parks are perfect for a stroll

Salt Lake City

Although Salt Lake City has a bustling downtown with skyscrapers, traffic, trains and plenty of pedestrians, there are also several parks, gardens and green open spaces to get away from the hectic city environment.

Take your kids for a lakeside picnic followed by a train ride. Burn some calories by hiking to a scenic lookout point. Spend your lunch break wandering through a sculpture garden. Barbecue with friends while playing horseshoes, volleyball or bocce. Whether you have all day or just a few minutes, an escape to nature is a great way to recharge.

The parks division of Salt Lake City Public Lands manages 735 acres of parks. Here are the 10 parks worth visiting in the area if you’re looking to spend some down time with family and friends, work up a sweat, or have fun with your kids.

Sugar House Park

Sugar House Park is the Central Park of Salt Lake City. Spanning 110.5 acres, it is the city’s largest public park. Visitors enjoy the large pond, which is often inhabited by ducks. Take a stroll around the pond, pack a picnic and take in the view, or bring binoculars to watch the wildlife. The park is a gathering place for the community. It has soccer and baseball fields, a basketball court, eight volleyball courts, and two playgrounds. A 16ft-wide scenic road that winds around the park accommodates walkers, runners and cyclists. The park is a favorite spot for outdoor activities in both the warm and cold months. When the snow falls, residents use the property for cross-country skiing and the kids have fun on the sleigh-riding hill.

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