Everguard is Stopping Fatal Work-Place Accidents


04/29/20: California Business Journal

There are thousands of fatal work injuries in the U.S. annually. Everguard.ai is lowering the statistics with – what else – AI.

ndustrial manufacturing facilities are a mine field of accidents waiting to happen. From injuries due to workers falling, vehicle-worker collisions and improper use of safety equipment, employees can be seriously injured … or even die.

According to the Social Security Administration, benefit payments under workers’ compensation programs totaled $61.9 billion and the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that there were 5,250 fatal work injuries recorded in the United States in 2018.

Enter Everguard.ai, which is lowering these industrial-safety statistics by utilizing Artificial Intelligence.

“We’ve built a system that assesses dangerous situations and gets ahead of it so we can alert workers and prevent them from getting harmed,” says Sandeep Pandya, CEO of Everguard.ai.

Read the full article in the California Business Journal.