The Zero-Landfill Solution

Eric Lundgren

If Eric Lundgren gets his way, not one electric vehicle (EV) battery worldwide will ever end up polluting a landfill again.

As a social entrepreneur and environmentalist, he is helping to accomplish this with his newest venture, BigBattery.

Lundgren’s “Zero-Landfill” solution means that his firm will never put anything from its facility into a landfill.

Instead, he is recycling lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles and promoting mass adoption of renewable energy solutions.

Lundgren’s innovative solutions are helping to solve the global crisis of e-waste pollution and saving lives of people in Africa, where the largest e-waste site is located.

“Forty-thousand people in the city of Accra, Africa alone have suffered from health issues due to the carcinogens leached into the air from burning e-waste,” Lundgren says. “The heavy metals are also leaking into the water supply and the soil. Everybody in the world deserves the healthiest quality of life.”

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