Taking health insurance where “it has never gone before”


BeniComp has solved the biggest challenges in the health care industry: skyrocketing costs and the prevalence of chronic disease.

By using prediction, prevention, and industry-leading technology – which rewards participants by lowering their health insurance deductibles — BeniComp Health Solutions is preventing — or in some cases — reverse chronic health conditions while simultaneously saving potentially thousands of dollars on health insurance.

“BeniComp is addressing two of the biggest challenges in the industry: skyrocketing healthcare costs and the prevalence of chronic disease,” says Steve Presser, president and COO. “By providing organizations with inventive solutions to sustain the health of the workforce and drive cost savings, we are taking health insurance where it has never gone before.

“There are a lot of companies in our space, but there is absolutely no one doing what we are doing.”

Read full article published in the California Business Journal.