Female-Led Construction Firm Hired For Historically-Sensitive Multi-Million Dollar Project

7/20/20: California Business Journal

When it came time to select a consulting company to design and implement a robust local participation program for the largest real estate development in the history of Pasadena, The Construction Services Group, (CSG), a female-led firm, was chosen for the Ten West Walnut project, a 6.4-acre mixed-use village with 400 units, 17,500-square-feet of retail and parking space, and 210,000-square-feet of office space.

This site was originally the location of a predominantly African-American community of businesses and homeowners. Through eminent domain actions, the existing populations were displaced in favor of other development favored by the city at the time. Due to these displacements, without any other affordable housing options, those members of the community lost their connection to Pasadena. When it came time to re-develop this same location decades later, the City of officials wanted to honor those displaced by providing the community opportunities to benefit from the largest ever real estate development located on this same site.

One of the reasons The Construction Services Group was chosen in the male-dominated field is because of CEO Catharine Rajan’s laser focus on ensuring that “hiring local workers is a priority, as is local sub-contracting and procurement.” Oh yes, her mantra is also “all about and collaboration.”

Read full article at California Business Journal.